Jeremiah, 15

Revised Standard Version

1 Then the LORD said to me, "Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my heart would not turn toward this people. Send them out of my sight, and let them go!

Versículos relacionados com Jeremiah, 15:

Jeremiah 15 presents Jeremiah's lamentations because of the rejection and persecution he suffered from the people of Judah and God. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter, in order of proximity to the themes:

Psalm 34:18: "Near the lord of those who have a broken heart, and save the contrite of spirit." This verse speaks of God's proximity and salvation to those who recognize His need and cry for Him in the midst of pain and suffering.

Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things contribute together to the good of those who love God, those who are called according to their purpose." This verse speaks of God's promise to use all things for the good of those who love him and are called by him, even in the midst of difficulties and trials.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4: "Blessed be the God and the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our tribulation, so that we may also comfort those who are in Some tribulation, by the consolation we are comforted by God. " This verse speaks of the consolation and comfort God gives us in the midst of tribulations, so that we can be a source of comfort to others.

Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not have anxious for anything; before all are your known requests before God for prayer and supplication with thanksgiving; and the peace of God, which exceeds all understanding, will keep your Hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. " This verse speaks of the importance of trusting God and seeking his peace in the midst of anxiety and concern.

1 Peter 5:7: "By casting upon him all your anxiety, because he takes care of you." This verse speaks of God's promise to take care of us and to take our concerns and anxieties in their hands.
