Psalms, 89

Catholic Public Domain Version

2 Before the mountains became, or the land was formed along with the world: from ages past, even to all ages, you are God.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 89:

Psalm 89 is a poem that celebrates God's faithfulness to his people, the covenant He made with David and the promise that an descendant of him would always rule in Israel. The psalmist, however, seems to question the validity of this promise to the difficulties faced by Israel. Below are five verses that address psalm -related topics 89.

Isaiah 55:3: "Include the ears, and come to me; I hear, and your soul will live; for I will make a perpetual covenant, giving you the firm benefits of David." This verse talks about the covenant God made with David and which is mentioned in Psalm 89. Here, God invites the people to halt to Him and to hear His Word, which brings life and blessings.

2 Samuel 7:16: "And thy house and thy kingdom will be firm forever before you; Your throne will be established forever." This verse is the promise God made David, mentioned in Psalm 89, that a descendant of Him would always rule in Israel.

Jeremiah 33:20-21: "Thus says the Lord, If you can invalidate my concert with the day, and my concert with the night, so that there is no day or night in time, my Concert with David, my servant, that he may not have a child who reigns on his throne; and with the Levites, priests, my ministers. " In these verses, God reaffirms the promise he made to David, that a descendant of him would always rule in Israel, and says that this promise is as certain as the cycle of day and night.

Psalm 33:4: "For the word of the Lord is straight, and all his works are faithful." This verse emphasizes God's faithfulness, the central theme of Psalm 89. Just as God's Word is straight and faithful, he is also faithful to fulfill his promises.

Isaiah 54:10: "For the hills shall deviate, and the hills shall shake; but my kindness shall not depart from you, and the concert of my peace shall not change, says the Lord that he shakes himself." This verse talks about God's faithfulness, even in the face of the changes and instability of life. God's promise to David, mentioned in Psalm 89, is an example of this faithfulness.
