2 Maccabees, 3

Christian Community Bible

2 it came about that kings honored the Holy Place and made the High Priest richer by their magnificent gifts.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Maccabees, 3:

Chapter 3 of 2 Maccabees narrates the story of a rich man named Simon, who had loaned a large amount of money to the Public Treasurer Heliodoro, to give it to the king. Heliodoro, however, tried to steal the temple money and was prevented by a divine appearance. The verses below are related to the themes of the chapter:

Exodus 20:15: "You will not steal." This is one of the commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, which condemns the robbery of the property of others. Heliodoro disobeyed this commandment as he tried to steal the money from the temple.

Leviticus 19:11: "You shall not steal, you will not lie, or use each other with their neighbor." This verse reinforces the prohibition of stealing and adds the prohibition of lying and using falsehood. Heliodor's attempt to steal the temple money involved a lie, as he said he was acting by order of the king.

Proverbs 11:1: "The false weight is abomination for the Lord, but the righteous weight is your pleasure." This verse refers to the practice of using weights and fair measures in the purchase and sale of goods, but can be applied to money theft as well. Heliodoro tried to use a false weight to weigh the temple money, which is an abomination for the Lord.

Isaiah 56:7: "I will also take them to my holy mount, and I will rejoice in my house of prayer; their burnt offering and their sacrifices will be accepted upon my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer to all peoples . " This verse talks about the importance of the temple as a house of prayer for all peoples, where sacrifices and burnt offering are offered to God. Heliodoro disrespected the holiness of the temple while trying to steal it.

Malachi 3:10: "Bring all tithes to the Treasury House, that there may be maintenance in my house, and then prove me, says the Lord of hosts, if I do not open the windows of heaven and do not shed over you Such a blessing that warns you of the greatest wealth. " This verse talks about the importance of bringing tithes and offerings to the Treasury House, so that there is maintenance in the house of God. Heliodoro's attempt at theft was a threat to maintaining the temple.
