Psalms, 65

Christian Community Bible

10 You water the land and care for it, enriching it with natural resources. God's stream is filled with water; so you prepare the earth to give us its fruits.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 65:

Psalm 65 is a psalm of thanksgiving in which the psalmist praises God for his goodness and provision. He describes God's greatness in his creation and in control of nature, and thanks for the care God has with the earth and with the people. Scouring the whole Bible, five verses related to the topics covered in Psalm 65 were found, presented below in order of proximity to the themes of the chapter:

Psalm 104:14-15: "He grows the grass to cattle, and the plants that man cultivates, to the earth to remove the food: the wine, which rejoices the heart of man; olive oil, which gives him shine in face; and the bread that sustains its vigor. " This verse highlights God's provision for earth and people, reminding us that everything we have comes from God.

Matthew 6:26: "Observe the birds of heaven: do not sow, do not harvest, or gather in barns; however, your heavenly Father sustains them. Do you not have much more value than birds?" This verse speaks of God's care with creation, reminding us that we can trust his provision.

Psalm 104:24: "How numerous are your works, Lord! You have done them all with wisdom; the earth is full of your creatures." This verse highlights God's greatness and wisdom in his creation, reminding us that we can praise him for his work.

Genesis 1:31: "God saw all that he had done, and everything had been very good. The afternoon and the morning were passed; this was the sixth day." This verse shows that God's creation is good, and we can thank Him for it.

Luke 12:24: "Observe the crows: They do not sow, do not reap, have no pantry or barn; yet God sustains them. The more worth you than the birds!" This verse also speaks of God's care with creation and reminds us that we can trust his provision.
