Revelation, 10

Christian Community Bible

11 Then I was told, "You must again proclaim God's words about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings."

Versículos relacionados com Revelation, 10:

Revelation 10 deals with John's view of a strong angel coming down from heaven with a book open in his hand. The angel places one foot on the earth and another over the sea and cries with a strong voice like a roaring lion. Then seven thunder emit their voices, but John is forbidden to write what he heard. The five verses related to the topics covered in Revelation 10 are:

Jeremiah 25:30: "And thou shalt prophesy them all these words, and thou shalt say unto them, The Lord from the high Ruge, and gives his voice from his holy home; he will rise strongly against his dwelling; Like those who tread the grapes against all the residents of the earth. " This verse talks about God roaring like a lion, similar to what the strong angel does in Revelation 10.

Ezekiel 2:9-10: "Then I looked, and behold, a hand extended to me, and behold, there was a roll of book. And extended it before me, and it was written inside and out; They were written lamentations, and sighs and ais. " This verse describes a roll of book, similar to the open book that the strong angel holds in his hand in Revelation 10.

Daniel 12:4: "But you, Daniel, ends the words, and seals the book, to the time of the end; many will run from one part to another, and science will multiply." This verse talks about sealing a book, similar to what the strong angel does with the book open in his hand in Revelation 10.

Psalm 29:3: "The voice of the Lord is heard upon his waters; the God of glory thunder; the Lord is on the many waters." This verse describes God thundering, similar to what the strong angel does in Revelation 10.

Exodus 19:18: "And all the Mount Sinai smoked, for the Lord had descended upon him over fire; and his smoke rose as a smoke from a furnace, and all the hill trembled greatly." This verse describes the tremendous mount, similar to the reaction of the earth and the sea when the strong angel puts his feet upon them in Revelation 10.
