1 Samuel, 14

Douay-Rheims Version

47 And Saul having his kingdom established over Israel, fought against all his enemies round about, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and Edom, and the kings of Soba, and the Philistines; and whithersoever he turned himself, he overcame.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Samuel, 14:

1 Samuel 14 narrates the story of an act of bravery of Jonathan, son of King Saul, and of the people of Israel against the Philistines. Jonathan proposes to his squire to climb a steep rock toward the Philistine camp, trusting in God's strength to give them victory. God blesses your courage and they kill twenty Philistines. This leads to a battle in which Saul's army is encouraged by Jonathan's example and overcomes the Philistines. The topics covered in 1 Samuel 14 include confidence in God, courage, leadership and victory. Following are five verses related to these themes, in order of proximity to the chapter:

Joshua 1:9: "I have not sent you? Strive, and have good encouragement; do not fear, not astonishing; for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you walk." This verse speaks of the importance of trust in God and encouraging to be brave and strong, just as Jonathan encouraged his squire and his army.

2 Timothy 1:7: "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation." This verse speaks of the importance of the courage and strength God gives his servants, as Jonathan has entrusted in God's strength to his battle against the Philistines.

Joshua 10:25: "Joshua said unto them, Do not fear, nor be astonished; strive and encourage you; for the Lord shall make all your enemies against whom pissed." This verse speaks of the importance of courage and trust in God, just as Jonathan entrusted to God for his battle against the Philistines.

1 Corinthians 16:13: "Watch, be firm in the faith; you behave varinly, and strengthen you." This verse speaks of the importance of remaining firm in faith and being strong, just as Jonathan led the people of Israel with courage and strength.

2 Chronicles 20:15: "And he said, Hence all Judah, and you residents of Jerusalem, and you, O Jehoshaphat; so the Lord says unto you, Do not fear, nor are you scary because of this great crowd; for the battle It is not yours but God. " This verse speaks of the importance of trust in God and divine leadership, just as Jonathan entrusted in God's leadership to his battle against the Philistines.
