Baruch, 6

Douay-Rheims Version

3 But now, you shall see in Babylon gods of gold, and of silver, and of stone, and of wood borne upon shoulders, causing fear to the Gentiles.

Versículos relacionados com Baruch, 6:

Baruc 6 is the last chapter of the book of Baruc and deals with the worship of idols and the importance of true worship of God. The chapter condemns the worship of idols and highlights God's superiority over all things. Next are five verses related to the topics covered in Baruc 6, in order of proximity to the chapter:

Isaiah 44:9-10: "Those who form images of sculpture are all of them vanity, and the most desirable things of them are of no nestleness; and both their own craftsmen and those who trust in them are blind; to be ashamed. Who forms a God, and fuses an image of sculpture, which is of no way? " This verse condemns the worship of idols, a central theme in Baruc 6.

Deuteronomy 5:7-9: "Thou shalt not have other gods before me. Thou shalt not make it a sculpted image, nor any figure on heaven, nor under the earth, nor in the waters under the earth. of them thou shalt not serve them; for I, the Lord your God, I am a jealous God. " This verse also condemns the worship of idols, a central theme in Baruc 6.

Psalm 115:4-8: "Their idols are silver and gold, work of man's hands. They have mouth, but they do not speak; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; they have nose, but they do not smell; They have hands, but they don't feel; they have feet, but they don't walk; no sound comes out of your throat. " This verse also condemns the worship of idols and highlights God's superiority on all things, topics addressed in Baruc 6.

John 4:24: "God is Spirit, and it is necessary for those who worship him to worship him in spirit and in truth." This verse highlights the importance of true worship of God, a theme addressed in Baruc 6.

1 Corinthians 10:14: "Therefore, my beloved, I ran away from idolatry." This verse also condemns the worship of idols, a central theme in Baruc 6.
