Judges, 12

Douay-Rheims Version

7 And Jephte the Galaadite judged Israel six years: and he died, and was buried in his city of Galaad.

Versículos relacionados com Judges, 12:

Judges 12 narrates the dispute between the men of Gilead and the Ephraimites. Ephraimites question the exclusion of their war tribe against ammon and threaten to invade Gilead. Gilead's leader Jeth leads his troops to defeat the Ephraimites and control the passages of the Jordan River.

Joshua 22:10: "And when they reached the lands of Gilead, who belonged to Israel, the sons of Rúben, the sons of Gade, and the half tribe of Manasseh built there an altar next to Jordan, a large altar in appearance." This verse talks about building an altar for the sons of Rúben, Gade and Manasseh in Gilead, where the battle between Gilead and Efraim happened.

Psalm 60:8: "In God we will do prowess, because He will calculate our opponents to the feet." This verse talks about trust in God to help overcome enemies, something that Gilead's men did in the battle against the Ephraimites.

Isaiah 9:21: "Manasseh to Ephraim, and Ephraim to Manasseh, and both unite against Judah. ​​However, his wrath has not deviated, and his hand is still extended to hurt." This verse talks about the rivalry between the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, a rivalry that manifested itself in the battle against Gilead.

Proverbs 15:1: "The mild answer deflects the furor, but the word lasts raises anger." This verse talks about the importance of answering calmly and kindly to avoid conflict, something that the Ephraimites did not do by threatening Gilead.

Romans 12:18: "If it is possible, how much it depends on you, tend peace with all men." This verse talks about the importance of peace and reconciliation, something that Gilead's men sought after the battle against the Ephraimites.
