1 Kings, 6

King James Version

9 So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Kings, 6:

Chapter 6 of 1 kings describes the construction of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem. He hired workers to build the temple according to the specifications God has given him, and took seven years to complete the work. Following are five Bible verses related to the topics addressed in 1 Kings 6.

1 Chronicles 28:11-12: "Then David gave to his son Solomon the model of the portico and the temple, his homes, his treasures, his chambers, his high places and his deposit cities, the temple of Lord, and of all the cameras around, the treasures of the temple and the treasures of sacred things. " This verse talks about David giving Solomon the plan for the construction of the temple. This relates to chapter 6 of 1 kings, where the construction of the temple is described in detail.

Exodus 25:9: "According to everything I show you to the tabernacle model and to the model of all your furniture, even thus." This verse talks about God giving accurate instructions for building the tabernacle. This relates to chapter 6 of 1 kings, where God gives precise instructions for the construction of the temple.

2 Chronicles 3:3-4: "These are the grounds that Solomon put to build the house of God: the length in ancient cubits, according to the first measure, was sixty cubits, and the width of twenty cubits. In front of the temple, whose length was the width of the house, it was twenty cubits, and its height was one hundred and twenty. Solomon also covered the house with all the house all over; of the sanctuary, which covered with gold. " This verse describes the construction of the temple in detail, including its foundations and dimensions. This relates to chapter 6 of 1 kings, where the construction of the temple is described in detail.

2 Chronicles 2:14: "The son of a woman of shot, but born of a man of shot, gave gold, silver and bronze. He was skilled in bronze works." This verse talks about the son of a shooting woman who was skilled at working with bronze and contributed to the construction of the temple. This is related to chapter 6 of 1 kings, where skilled workers were hired to build the temple.

2 Chronicles 5:13-14: "And when the musicians played in unison, praising and thanking the Lord, and when they raised their voices with the trumpet, cymbals and other musical instruments to praise the Lord and sing: 'He is good; Love lasts forever, 'the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not continue to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God. " This verse describes a moment of great worship and praise to God, where divine presence is experienced in a tangible and powerful way. This theme is related to chapter 6 of 1 kings, where the temple is built in Jerusalem as the house of the Lord and the place of worship of the people of Israel.
