Isaiah, 27

King James Version

10 Yet the defenced city [shall be] desolate, [and] the habitation forsaken, and left like a wilderness: there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof.

Versículos relacionados com Isaiah, 27:

Isaiah 27 is a chapter that talks about the restoration of Israel and the destruction of its enemies. God promises to take care of your vineyard and remove your thorns and weeds. He also promises to judge those who rise against him and purify his children. Below are five verses that relate to the topics addressed in Isaiah 27:

Psalm 80:8 - "You have made a vine out of Egypt; you threw away the nations and the plants." This psalm talks about God taking care of Israel as a farmer takes care of his vineyard, planting it in a fertile place and removing the stones. This relates to Isaiah 27, where God takes care of his vineyard and removes his thorns and weeds.

Isaiah 5:7 - "For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plant of his delight; and waited for judgment, and here is oppression; justice, and here is cry here." In this verse, Isaiah talks about the vineyard of the Lord, which is the house of Israel, and as God hoped his children will do justice, but instead they surrendered to oppression. This relates to Isaiah 27, where God promises to purify his children.

Jeremiah 12:10 - "Many shepherds destroyed my vineyard, stepped on my share, made my inheritance in a desert of loneliness." Jeremiah talks about the pastors who destroyed the vineyard of the Lord, who is Israel. This relates to Isaiah 27, where God promises to take care of his vineyard and remove his thorns and weeds.

Isaiah 10:33-34 - "Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall slaughter the branches with violence; and the ups shall be cut, and the haughty shall be slaughtered. And shall cut with iron the thickness of the forest, and the Lebanon will fall with powerful." This verse talks about God judging those who rise against Him, cutting their branches and overthrowing their ups. This relates to Isaiah 27, where God promises to judge those who rise against him.

Revelation 21:27 - "And there will be no way that contaminates, and commit abomination and lie; but only those who are inscribed in the book of Life's Life." This verse talks about the New Jerusalem, which is purified from all impurity and abomination housing. This relates to Isaiah 27, where God promises to purify his children and his vineyard.
