Job, 35

King James Version

8 Thy wickedness [may hurt] a man as thou [art]; and thy righteousness [may profit] the son of man.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 35:

Job 35 is a chapter in which Eliú continues his speech, arguing that men's actions do not affect God and that it is important to seek God with sincerity and humility. He also talks about divine justice and the importance of trusting God rather than trusting in his own works. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Job 35:

Psalm 22:24: "For he did not despise, nor abhorred the affliction of the distress, nor hid his face; before, when he cried, he heard him." This verse talks about how God does not despise or abandon the afflicted, but hear them when they cry to Him, relating to Eliú's message about the importance of seeking God with sincerity.

Psalm 145:17: "Just is the Lord in all his ways, and holy in all his works." This verse talks about the righteousness of God and his holiness in all works, which relates to Eliú's discourse on divine justice.

Proverbs 3:34: "Certainly he shall mock the mockery, but he will give grace to the meek." This verse talks about how God rewards the humble and meek, in opposition to the scope, which relates to Eliú's message about the importance of seeking God with humility.

Ecclesiastes 3:14: "I know that all that God does will last forever; nothing must be added to Him, and nothing must be taken from Him; and it does God to fear before Him." This verse talks about how all God does is eternal and cannot be changed, which relates to Eliú's message about the importance of trusting God rather than trusting in his own works.

Isaiah 40:31: "But those who wait in the Lord shall renew their strength and rise with wings as eagles; they shall run and will not tire; they will walk and not stick." This verse talks about how those who expect in the Lord will be renewed and will not tire, relating to Eliú's message about the importance of trusting God and not in their own strength.
