Judith, 2

New Jerusalem Bible

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Versículos relacionados com Judith, 2:

Judith chapter 2 continues the Assyrian invasion narrative and shows how General Holofernes is chosen to lead the campaign against the west nations, including Israel. He is presented as a powerful and cruel man who believes that no God can oppose him. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in Judite 2:

Isaiah 10:7: "But this is not how he thought, nor was it how his heart imagined him, because his purpose was to destroy, and to break down no few nations." This verse talks about the arrogance of the king of Assyria and how he intended to destroy many nations, including Israel.

Isaiah 10:13-14: "For he says, With the strength of my hand I did and with my wisdom, because I am prudent; and removed the boundaries of the peoples, and I stole the things that were deposited, and as a brave slaughter To those who sat upon them. And I found my hand the riches of the peoples like a nest; and, as the abandoned eggs are gathered, so I gathered me to all the earth; and there was no one who moved the wing, or mouth, or pias. " This verse describes how the king of Assyria boast of his own strength and wisdom, stealing the riches of the peoples and annihilating those who opposed him.

Job 12:13: "With God is wisdom and strength; This verse talks about how true wisdom and force belong to God, not arrogant men like the king of Assyria.

Isaiah 14:12-15: "As you have fallen from the sky, O Morning Star, daughter of the Alva! How you were cut by earth, you who weakened the nations! And you said in your heart: I will climb to heaven, above the stars From God I will exalt my throne, and on the hill of the congregation I will sit on the sides of the north. I will climb upon the heights of the clouds, and be similar to the Most High. " This verse talks about the fall of Lucifer, which is also known as Satan, who was arrogant and tried to rise above God.

Proverbs 16:18: "Superb precedes ruin, and the haughtiness of the Spirit precedes the fall." This verse talks about how pride and arrogance always lead to fall and ruin. This is especially true for the king of Assyria in Judith 2, who is so arrogant that he believes that no God can oppose him.
