Matthew, 25

New Jerusalem Bible

25 so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have it back."

Versículos relacionados com Matthew, 25:

St. Matthew 25 presents three parables of Jesus over the end of time and the final judgment. The first is the parable of the ten virgins, which shows the importance of preparation and vigilance for the coming of the groom, which symbolizes Jesus. The second is the parable of the talents, which emphasizes the responsibility that each has to use the gifts God has given him for the common good and the growth of the kingdom of God. The third is the parable of sheep and goats, which shows that the final judgment will be based on our love and service actions to others.

1 Corinthians 12:7: "But each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common benefit." Just as the parable of talents teaches, God has given us specific gifts and talents that we should use for the good of others and the glory of God.

James 1:22: "Headquarters of the Word, not just listeners, deceiving you with false speeches." The parable of the ten virgins emphasizes the importance of surveillance and preparation for the groom's coming. This vigilance includes listening and obeying God's Word.

1 John 3:17: "Now he who has resources of this world, and come to his brother to suffer need, and close his heart, how can the love of God remain in him?" The parable of sheep and goats teaches that the final judgment will be based on our love and service actions to others. This particular verse emphasizes the importance of sharing our resources with the needy.

1 Thessalonians 5:6: "We do not sleep, therefore, like the others, but we watched and be sober." The parable of the ten virgins emphasizes the importance of surveillance and preparation for the groom's coming. This verse in particular emphasizes the need to be alert and vigilant spiritually.

Romans 12:13: "Communicate with the saints in their needs, I followed hospitality." The parable of sheep and goats teaches that the final judgment will be based on our love and service actions to others. This particular verse emphasizes the importance of showing hospitality and sharing what we have with the brothers in the faith.
