Proverbs, 21

New Jerusalem Bible

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is abhorrent, above all if it is offered for bad motives.

Versículos relacionados com Proverbs, 21:

Chapter 21 of the Proverbs Book addresses topics related to justice, wisdom and human behavior. Proverbs 21:3 Highlights the importance of practicing justice and law, while Proverbs 21:9 Warns about the difficulty of living with quarrelsome and conflicting people. Proverbs 21:13 emphasizes the importance of helping needy and Proverbs 21:21 points out that those who seek justice and mercy will find life, justice, and honor. Finally, Proverbs 21:23 highlights the importance of keeping the mouth and keeping the tongue under control, avoiding gossip and defamation.

Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do good; seek justice, end up with oppression, do justice to the orphan, defend the cause of the widow." This verse encourages the practice of justice, as well as Proverbs 21:3.

Proverbs 20:3: "Honor is from man to deviate from issues, but all foolish is nosy." This verse highlights the importance of avoiding conflicts and fights, as well as Proverbs 21:9.

Psalm 112:9: "He has spread to the needy; His justice subsists forever, his power will be exalted in glory." This verse emphasizes the importance of helping the needy, as well as Proverbs 21:13.

Isaiah 56:1: "Thus saith the Lord, Keep judgment and do justice, for my salvation is about to come, and my righteousness to speak up." This verse highlights the importance of justice, as well as Proverbs 21:3 and 21:21.

Psalm 34:13: "Keep your tongue of evil and your lips to speak the mistake." This verse emphasizes the importance of controlling the language, avoiding gossip and defamation, as well as Proverbs 21:23.
