1 Maccabees, 6

Revised Standard Version

33 Early in the morning the king rose and took his army by a forced march along the road to Beth-zechariah, and his troops made ready for battle and sounded their trumpets.

Versículos relacionados com 1 Maccabees, 6:

Chapter 6 of 1 Maccabees narrates the confrontation between King Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Jewish leader Judas Macabeu, and the subsequent battle in Betzur. The chapter also presents the betrayal of a Jew named Lysias, which had been placed in charge of the king's troops, but eventually joined the Maccabees. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter:

1 Chronicles 12:8: "Of the Gadites passed to David, to the fortress in the desert, brave and right -handed men in the use of a shield and spear; their faces looked like lions and were as light as gazelles over the hills." This verse talks about brave and right -handed men in battle, which relates to the description of the Maccabean warriors in 1 Maccabees 6.

Psalm 27:3: "Even if an army is over me, my heart will not be remembered; and if I burst against me the war, I will still have confidence." This verse talks about courage in the face of danger, and reflects the attitude of the Maccabees in his struggle against King Antiochus IV.

Proverbs 11:14: "There is no wise direction, a people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is security." This verse emphasizes the importance of wisdom and council in times of crisis, and is relevant to the situation of the Maccabees, who sought divine guidance to overcome the battle.

Ezekiel 21:14: "Therefore, O Son of man, prophesy, and hits his hands; and doubles one and again the sword, a sword of carnage; is the sword of the great carnage around them." This verse refers to the sword of destruction that will come upon the people of God, and can be seen as an allusion to the threat of King Antiochus IV against the Jews.

Luke 22:48: "But Jesus said unto him, Judas, with a kiss for the son of man?" This verse refers to the betrayal of Judas Iscariot against Jesus, and can be seen as a parallel to Lysiah's betrayal against King Antiochus IV. Both characters are traitors that end up helping the other side.
