Jeremiah, 18

Revised Standard Version

22 May a cry be heard from their houses, when thou bringest the marauder suddenly upon them! For they have dug a pit to take me, and laid snares for my feet.

Versículos relacionados com Jeremiah, 18:

Jeremiah chapter 18 presents the metaphor of the potter and the clay, in which God is the potter and the people is the clay. God is showing Jeremiah how He can shape and transform the people according to their will, but also how they can destroy them if they rebel against them. Following are five verses related to the topics addressed in Jeremiah 18:

Romans 9:21: "Or don't you have the right potter over the mass, to make a vase for honor and another for the one, for dishonor?" This verse talks about God's sovereignty about people and how He can shape them according to His will.

Isaiah 64:8: "But now, Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you, our potter; and all of us, work of your hands." This verse also uses the metaphor of the potter and the clay to show the relationship between God and his people.

2 Timothy 2:20-21: "Now, in a large house, there are not only gold and silver utensils, but also of wood and mud; some, for honor; others, but for dishonor. Thus, therefore, if Someone to themselves cleansing themselves from these mistakes, will be an utensil for honor, sanctified and useful to its owner, being prepared for every good work. " This verse talks about how God can use people who purify themselves to do their work, just as a potter can shape the clay to different uses.

Isaiah 29:16: "What do you think you? Chance can the potter be considered as the clay he shape? Can the work say of his craft: he didn't do me? Or can the potter say: nothing knows?" This verse questions the idea that people can rebel against God and question their authority as a potter who shapes the clay.

Psalms 2:9: "With an iron stick you will torn them like a potter vase." This verse talks about how God can destroy those who rebel against Him, just as a clay vase can be shattered.
