Psalms, 96

Revised Standard Version

10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns! Yea, the world is established, it shall never be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity."

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 96:

Psalm 96 is a hymn of praise and worship of God, which describes the greatness and majesty of the Lord, and urges all nations and peoples to surrender to him worship and glory. The verses selected below highlight some of the themes present in Psalm 96:

Isaiah 52:7 - "How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, which brings good news, which proclaims salvation, which says to Zion, 'His God reigns!'" This verse talks about the Proclamation of peace and salvation that are brought by the Lord, who is the king of the whole universe.

1 Chronicles 16:23-24 - "Sing to the Lord, all the lands! Advertise day after day their salvation! Proclaim their glory among the nations, their wonderful deeds among all peoples!" This verse urges all nations to proclaim the glory and wonders of the Lord.

Revelation 15:4 - "Who will not fear, Lord, and will not glorify your name? For only you are holy; so all nations will come and be prostrated before you, for your acts of justice have become manifest." This verse talks about the Lord's holiness and righteousness, and the worship that all nations will provide to Him.

Psalm 29:2 - "surrender to the Lord the glory due to your name, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." This verse highlights the importance of yielding worship and worship to the Lord.

Psalm 145:10-12 - "All thy works shall praise you, Lord, and your faithful will bless you. They will speak of the glory of your kingdom and proclaim your power, that all may know of your powerful deeds, the wonderful deeds that Only you can do it. " This verse highlights the greatness and majesty of the Lord, and how his powerful works are proclaimed by his faithful.
