Proverbs, 22

The New American Bible

12 The eyes of the LORD safeguard knowledge, but he defeats the projects of the faithless.

Versículos relacionados com Proverbs, 22:

Chapter 22 of Proverbs addresses topics such as education, generosity, integrity, prudence and wisdom. To provide five verses related to these themes, we can select the following:

Proverbs 3:9-10: "Honor to the Lord with your goods, and with the first part of all your gains; and your barns abundantly will be filled, and they will overflow with your Lagas." This verse talks about generosity and the importance of giving primacy to our lives and resources, a theme addressed in Proverbs 22 about the value of generosity.

Proverbs 19:20: "Hear the council, and receive the correction, that you may be wise in your last days." This verse addresses the importance of education and wisdom, themes present in Proverbs 22 about the importance of instruction and learning.

Proverbs 11:3: "The integrity of the straight guides them, but the falsehood of the infidels destroys them." This verse talks about the importance of integrity, a theme treated in Proverbs 22 about the value of honesty and moral integrity.

Proverbs 27:12: "Prudent perceives danger and seeking refuge; the inexperienced follows and suffers the consequences." This verse addresses the importance of prudence, a recurring theme in Proverbs 22 about wisdom in making decisions and acting with caution.

Proverbs 9:9: "Give instruction to the wise, and he will be wiser; he teaches the righteous and he will grow in understanding." This verse talks about the importance of instruction and the search for wisdom, themes present in Proverbs 22 about the valorization of education and knowledge.
