Psalms, 45

The New American Bible

14 All glorious is the king's daughter as she enters, her raiment threaded with gold;

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 45:

Psalm 45 is a poem in honor of a king, probably Solomon, but with possible references to the Messiah. The chapter exalts beauty, justice, wisdom, and the power of the king, and compares him to God. The chapter ends with an exhortation so that the people and kings of the earth pay tribute to the king of Israel.

Isaiah 9:6: "For a boy was born to us, a son has been given to us, and the government is over his shoulders. And he will be called the wonderful counselor, God strong, eternal father, prince of peace." This verse prophesies about the birth of the Messiah, which would be a wise and powerful leader.

Proverbs 31:30: "Beauty is misleading, and beauty is fleeting; but the woman who fears to the Lord will be praised." This verse highlights the importance of inner qualities such as fear of God, which are more valuable than outer beauty.

Hebrews 1:8-9: "But about the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, subsists forever; Your God, chose you from your companions anointing you with joy of joy. " This verse refers to Psalm 45 and declares that the Messiah is God Himself.

1 Chronicles 29:11: "Your, Lord, are greatness, power, glory, majesty, and splendor, for all that is in heaven and on earth is thy. Your, Lord, is the kingdom; Above all." This verse emphasizes that God is the supreme king and that all power and authority comes from him.

Matthew 2:2: "And they asked, 'Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and we came to worship him.' This verse refers to the visit of the wizards to Jesus, who went to him to worship him as a king.
