1 Chronicles, 16

Catholic Public Domain Version

13 O offspring of Israel, his servants! O sons of Jacob, his elect!

Versículos relacionados com 1 Chronicles, 16:

1 Chronicles 16 is a chapter describing the celebration of the return of the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and her installation in the tent that David had prepared for her. During the celebration, David led worship to God and offered sacrifices. Below are five verses related to topics covered in this chapter:

Psalm 96:4: "For great is the Lord, and worthy of praise much more fearful than all the gods." This verse speaks of the greatness of God and his superiority over all other deities, which can be related to worship of God that David led in 1 chronicles 16.

Psalm 105:1: "Praise the Lord, invoke your name, make your works known among the peoples." This psalm speaks of the importance of proclaiming God's works among nations, which is relevant to the celebration of the installation of the covenant ark in 1 Chronicles 16.

Psalm 34:1: "I will bless the Lord all the time; your praise will be continually in my mouth." This verse speaks of the importance of praising God in all circumstances, which is relevant to the worship that David led in 1 chronicles 16.

Psalm 136:1: "Praise the Lord, because he is good, because his kindness lasts forever." This psalm is a hymn of praise that repeats the phrase several times "because its kindness lasts forever," which can be related to the celebration of the installation of the alliance ark in 1 Chronicles 16.

Psalm 30:4: "Sing praises to the Lord, you who are your saints, and give thanks to your holy name." This verse speaks of the importance of giving thanks to God and praising Him for his works, which is relevant to the worship that David led in 1 chronicles 16.
