Hebrews, 11

Catholic Public Domain Version

14 For those who speak in this way are themselves indicating that they seek a homeland.

Versículos relacionados com Hebrews, 11:

Hebrews 11 is known as the chapter of faith in the Bible, which presents a list of heroes of the Old Testament faith and how they trusted God in the midst of adversities. These men and women were considered righteous for their faith and, even without seeing God's promises in their lives, they remained firm in their trust in the Lord. Following are five verses related to the topics addressed in Hebrews 11:

Genesis 6:9: "These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous and righteous man among his contemporaries; Noah walked with God." This verse presents Noah as a righteous and righteous man who walked with God, which led him to obey the Lord's orders to build an ark and save himself from the flood. Noah's faith in God helped him overcome difficulties and trust divine promises.

Genesis 15:6: "Abram believed in the Lord, and that was credited to him as justice." This verse is often quoted in Hebrews 11 to show how Abraham was justified by faith in God. Even in his old age, when the promise of having a child seemed impossible, Abraham believed in God's promises and was considered fair by his faith.

Genesis 22:17: "I will bless you and multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand on the beach of the sea. And your descent will conquer the cities of your enemies." This verse highlights God's promise to Abraham that his offspring would be numerous and conquer his enemies. Abraham's faith in this promise sustained him amid the difficulties and challenges he faced.

Exodus 2:10: "When the boy grew up, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. She called him Moses, and said, 'Because I took him out of the waters." This verse refers to the story of Moses, which was saved from death when his mother placed him in a basket and placed him on the Nile River. Her mother's faith in God led her to believe that he would be protected and saved, and that faith was rewarded when he was found and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter.

Joshua 6:20: "Then the people gave a great scream, and the walls of the city collapsed; the people attacked the city on all sides, and thus took it." This verse refers to the history of the fall of Jericho, which was conquered by the Israelites after they followed God's instructions and circulated the city for seven days. The faith of the people of Israel in God helped them overcome the walls of the city and conquer it, showing that trust in God is able to move mountains.
