Jeremiah, 17

Catholic Public Domain Version

6 For he will be like a saltcedar tree in the desert. And he will not perceive it, when what is good has arrived. Instead, he will live in dryness, in a desert, in a land of salt, which is uninhabitable.

Versículos relacionados com Jeremiah, 17:

Jeremiah 17 warns the people of Judah about the curse that falls on those who trust themselves and idols, rather than trusting God. It also speaks of the blessing and prosperity that comes from confidence in God and obedience to His commandments. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in this chapter, in order of proximity to the themes:

Psalm 118:8-9: "It is better to trust the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to trust the Lord than to trust princes." This verse speaks of the importance of trusting God rather than trusting human wisdom and power.

Jeremiah 7:23: "But this I ordered them, saying, Hear my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people; and walk all the way that I will send you, that good. " This verse speaks of God's promise to be the God of his people if they obey his voice and walk in his ways.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust the Lord of all your heart, and do not stir in your own understanding. Recognizes him in all your ways, and he will straighten your paths." This verse speaks of the importance of trusting God and recognizing Him in all our ways so that He can direct our steps.

Jeremiah 9:23-24: "Thus saith the Lord, Do not glorie the wise in His wisdom, nor glorie the strong in His strength; do not glorie the rich in His riches. : In understanding and knowing me, that I am the Lord, who I do mercy, judgment, and justice on earth; for these things I like, say the Lord. " This verse speaks of the importance of knowing and glorifying God rather than glorizing human wisdom, strength or riches.

Psalm 1:1-3: "Blessed is the man who does not walk according to the Council of the wicked, nor does he hold on the way to sinners, nor rest on the wheel of the scoffers. Before he has his pleasure in the law of the Lord, and in Its law meditates on the day and night. For it will be like the tree planted by the water streams, which bears its fruit in its own season, and whose leaves do not fall; and whatever it will prosper. " This verse speaks of the blessing that comes from meditation and obedience to God's law.
