Judges, 4

Catholic Public Domain Version

12 And it was reported to Sisera that Barak, the son of Abinoam, had ascended to Mount Tabor.

Versículos relacionados com Judges, 4:

Judges 4 narrates the story of Deborah, a prophetess and judge in Israel, who led the Israelite army to the battle against the Canaanites, commanded by Sisera. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in Judges 4:

Judges 5:7: "The villages faded in Israel, and in Israel you raised you, O Deborah, Mother in Israel;" This verse is part of Deborah's Song and Barak after victory over the Canaanites. He highlights Deborah's unique leadership as a "mother in Israel" who rose to lead the people in a moment of need.

Joshua 11:10: "And Joshua, turning, took the city that same day, and killed his king in the sword; and destroyed it, and all who were in it; he left nothing from her to breathe; and to the king From Hormá, Joshua burned with fire. " This verse is part of an account of a previous battle in which Joshua led the Israelites against the Canaanites. Deborah's story 4 is a similar example of God helping the Israelites defeat their enemies.

Judges 5:15: "Among the barons of Issachar, and among those of Deborah, there was an influx of Barak; he ran at his feet in the voucher; This verse is part of Deborah's Song and describes as Barak, the Israeli army commander, led his troop to battle.

Numbers 20:16: "And when we cry out to the Lord, he heard our voice, and sent an angel, and took us out of Egypt; and here is here in Cades, the city of your term." This verse is part of an account of the history of Israel in the desert, in which God has delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Deborah's story in Judges 4 is another story of God helping the Israelites in their struggle against oppression.

Exodus 15:20: "And Miriam, the prophetess, sister of Aaron, took the tumor in her hand, and all the women went after her with drums and dances." This verse is part of a song of victory that Moses and the people of Israel sang after God divided the Red Sea. Deborah's Song in Judges 5 is another example of a song of victory in which female leadership is highlighted.
