Matthew, 13

Catholic Public Domain Version

9 Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Versículos relacionados com Matthew, 13:

St. Matthew chapter 13 contains a series of parables told by Jesus about the kingdom of heaven. These parables use images of everyday life to explain spiritual concepts, such as the importance of listening to God's Word and the dangers of unbelief. Here are five verses related to the topics covered in São Matthew 13:

John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If anyone remains in me and me in him, he will be very fruitful; for without me you cannot do anything." This metaphor of Jesus talks about the importance of remaining in Christ to produce spiritual fruits.

Mark 4:20: "Others, such as the seed thrown on good soil, hear the word, accept it and give a harvest: thirty, sixty and one hundred times more than it was sown." This verse talks about the importance of listening and accepting God's Word to produce an abundant harvest.

Matthew 7:24-27: "Therefore, who hears these my words and puts them into practice is like a prudent man who built his house over the rock. The rain fell, overflowed the rivers, blew the winds, and gave against that house. , and she did not fall, because she had her foundations in the rock. But who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a fool that built her house over the sand. They gave against that house, and she fell. And her fall was great. " This verse talks about the importance of building our life on the Word of God.

Luke 8:18: "Therefore, consider carefully as you are listening to. To whom you have, it will be given the most; from those who do not, even what you think you have will be taken from you." This verse talks about the importance of listening carefully to God's Word and being open to receive more revelation.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4: "But if our gospel is overwhelmed, for those who are perishing it is covered. The God of this century has blinded the understanding of the unbelievers, so that they do not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , which is the image of God. " This verse talks about the spiritual reality of unbelief and the role of the devil in blinding the minds of unbelievers so that they do not see the truth of the gospel.
