Psalms, 10

Catholic Public Domain Version

7 He will rain down snares upon sinners. Fire and brimstone and windstorms will be the portion of their cup.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 10:

Psalm 10 is a lament that expresses the perplexity of the psalmist in the face of God's apparent injustice to allow the wicked to prosper and oppress the poor and needy. The psalm begins with the question, "Why do you keep you away? And why do you hide in the time of tribulation?" (v. 1). The following verses describe the arrogance and evil of the wicked and their lack of fear of God. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Psalm 10:

Proverbs 21:13: "He who has been the ear to the poorness of the poor will also cry out and be heard." This verse alludes to the question raised in Psalm 10 on God's apparent in before the oppression of the needy by the wicked. The proverb warns that those who ignore the clamor of the poor will also be ignored when they cry out for help.

Psalm 73:2-3: "As for me, they almost shook my feet; little was missing to divert my steps. For I was jealous of the superb, seeing the prosperity of the wicked." The psalmist expresses an experience similar to that of the psalmist of Psalm 10 by observing the prosperity of the wicked and questioning the righteousness of God.

Psalm 37:35-36: "I saw a arrogant wicked, expanding which cedar of Lebanon. I passed again, and behold, I looked for it, but it was not possible to find it." These verses portray the transience of the prosperity of the wicked and the certainty that, ultimately, justice will prevail.

Psalm 12:5: "Because of the oppression of the needy and the moan of the poor, I will now rise, says the Lord; This verse offers hope to the psalmist of Psalm 10, ensuring that God will not remain inactive in the face of the oppression of the wicked and that the needy will be saved.

Psalm 9:15-16: "They made a pit, they deepened it, and fell into the grave they did. The Lord made known his righteousness, executing judgment; These verses affirm God's righteousness and the inevitability that the wicked will gather what they have planted, once again offering hope and comfort to the psalm of Psalm 10.
