2 Timothy, 4

Christian Community Bible

14 Alexander the metalworker has caused me great harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Timothy, 4:

Chapter 4 of 2 Timothy deals with Timothy's responsibility to preach God's Word and maintain faith despite adversity. Paul advises Timothy to persevere in his mission and faithfully fulfill his ministry. In addition, Paul refers to his own life and ministry, recognizing that the end of his earthly life is close. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in 2 Timothy 4:

Proverbs 4:23: "About all that should be kept, keep your heart, for the exits of life proceed." This verse emphasizes the importance of keeping the heart and mind focused on God and His Word, something that is fundamental for Timothy to faithfully fulfill his mission.

1 Corinthians 15:58: "Therefore, my beloved brothers, firm and constant thirst, always abundant in the work of the Lord, knowing that your work is not go to the Lord." This verse encourages Timothy to remain firm in his work and to persevere, even in the midst of adversity.

Hebrews 12:1: "Therefore, so do we, for we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us all embarrass, and the sin that so closely surrounds us, and we patiently run the career that is proposed to us." This verse encourages Timothy to maintain faith and persevere, reminding him that he is not alone on his journey.

Philippians 3:14: "I proceed to the target for the prize of God's sovereign vocation in Christ Jesus." This verse encourages Timothy to focus on his mission and move on without giving up.

James 1:12: "Blessed is the man who supports temptation; for when proven, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him." This verse encourages Timothy to resist temptation and persevere, reminding him that there is a reward for those who remain faithful to God.
