Acts, 8

Christian Community Bible

9 A certain man named Simon had come to this town, practicing magic. He held the Samaritans spellbound and passed himself off as a very important person.

Versículos relacionados com Acts, 8:

In Acts of Apostles 8, the ministry of Philip is narrated, one of the seven deacons chosen by the Church in Jerusalem. He preached and performed miracles in the city of Samaria, leading many people to become Christianity, including a wizard named Simon. Subsequently, Philip finds an ethiopian and leads him to baptism after explaining the Scriptures to him.

Isaiah 53:7-8: "He was overwhelmed and afflicted, but did not open his mouth; as a lamb was taken to the slaughterhouse, and as the sheep changes before his shelters, so he did not open his mouth. from the judgment was taken, and who will tell the time of his life? For he was cut from the land of the living; by the transgression of my people he was hit. " This verse describes Jesus' submission to God's will, even if it means suffering and dying.

Acts of Apostles 8:4: "Those who were dispersed went everywhere preaching the word." After Stephen's death, Christians were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, but that did not prevent them from continuing to preach the gospel.

Acts of the Apostles 8:12: "But when they believed in Philip, who preached to them about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women." This verse shows how Philip's ministry was successful in leading people to believe in Jesus and be baptized in his name.

Acts of the Apostles 8:20-21: "But Peter said: Your money be with you for perdition, for you have taken care that the gift of God is reached for money. You are not part of this word, because your heart is not straight before God. " Simon, the sorcerer, tried to buy God's power with money, but Peter rebuked him and said that his heart was not correct before God.

Acts of the Apostles 8:39-40: "And when they came out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched the Philip, and did not see him the eunuch anymore; and, joyfully, continued his way. But Philip found himself in nitrogen and , going through, he announced the gospel in all cities until he came to Caesarea. " This verse shows how Philip's ministry was not limited to Samaria and to meet the Ethiopian, but he continued to preach the gospel in all the cities where he went.
