Exodus, 23

Christian Community Bible

29 I will not drive them out in a single year lest the land become a desert and the wild beasts increase and molest you.

Versículos relacionados com Exodus, 23:

Exodus 23 presents a series of laws and commandments given by God to Moses to be followed by the people of Israel. The topics covered include justice, solidarity, worship of God, and the importance of following their laws. Following are five verses related to these themes:

Leviticus 19:15: "Thou shalt not commit injustice in judgment. You will not favor the poor, nor will you be complected with the Great; with justice you will judge your neighbor." This verse talks about the importance of justice in decision making and judgments, a theme addressed in Exodus 23.

Deuteronomy 16:20: "You will only follow righteousness, that the earth may live in inheritance that gives you the Lord your God." In this verse, God instructs the people of Israel to follow righteousness as a means of obtaining eternal life and the blessing of the promised land, which is aligned with the central theme of Exodus 23.

Leviticus 19:18: "Thou shalt not take revenge or keep anger against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as himself. I am the Lord." This verse emphasizes the importance of solidarity and love of neighbor, something that is emphasized in various parts of Exodus 23.

Psalms 100:4: "Enter your gates with thanksgiving, and in your atria with praise; give you thanks and bless your name." This verse talks about the importance of worshiping God and expressing gratitude for His blessings, something that is mentioned in Exodus 23:14-19.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust the Lord of all your heart, and do not stir in your own understanding. Recognizes him in all your ways, and he will straighten your paths." This verse talks about the importance of trusting God and following his ways, something that is emphasized in Exodus 23:20-33, where God promises to guide and protect the people from Israel on his journey to the promised land.
