Numbers, 25

Douay-Rheims Version

13 And the covenant of the priesthood for ever shall be both to him and his seed, because he hath been zealous for his God, and hath made atonement for the wickedness of the children of Israel.

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 25:

Chapter 25 of numbers describes how the Israelites began to prostitute themselves with Moabite women and worship their gods, bringing God's wrath upon them. The following verses are chosen based on the proximity of the chapter's themes and are related to the importance of purity and faithfulness in worshiping God:

Exodus 20:3: "You will not have other gods before me." This is the first commandment of the Ten Commandments, which prohibits the worship of any other God other than Jehovah. This is relevant to the chapter of numbers 25 because the Israelites began to worship the gods of the Moabites, which brought the wrath of God over them.

1 Corinthians 6:18: "I ran away from prostitution. Any other sin that a person commit is outside the body; but he who prostitutes himself against his own body." This verse emphasizes the importance of sexual purity and faithfulness to God. The Israelites prostituted themselves with the Moabite women, which brought the wrath of God over them.

Hebrews 13:4: "Worthy of honor among all is marriage and the bed without macula; but to those who give themselves to prostitution, and to the adulterers, God will judge them." This verse emphasizes the importance of sexual purity and marital fidelity. The Israelites prostituted themselves with Moabite women, violating these principles, which brought God's wrath on them.

2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not put yourself in unequal yoke with unbelievers; for what society can be between justice and iniquity? This verse emphasizes the importance of doctrinal purity and faithfulness to God. The Israelites were involved with the religious practices of the Moabites, which led them to worship other gods, violating these principles, which brought God's wrath on them.

Ephesians 5:11: "And not participate in the unsuccessful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." This verse emphasizes the importance of separating from sin and evil practices. The Israelites were involved with the religious practices of the Moabites, which led them to worship other gods, violating these principles, which brought God's wrath on them.
