Ecclesiasticus, 25

King James Version

7 There be nine things which I have judged in mine heart to be happy, and the tenth I will utter with my tongue: A man that hath joy of his children; and he that liveth to see the fall of his enemy:

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 25:

Ecclesiastical 25 presents a set of proverbs about women, emphasizing the importance of choosing a faithful and virtuous wife. The chosen verses are:

Proverbs 18:22: "He who finds a wife finds something excellent; he received a blessing from the Lord." This verse highlights the importance of choosing a wife as a blessing of God and something excellent in a man's life.

Proverbs 31:10: "Virtuous woman, who will find her? Her value exceeds Rubis." This verse praises the virtuous woman, who has an incalculable value.

1 Corinthians 7:3: "The husband fulfills his duty to his wife, and likewise his wife to her husband." This verse emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and compliance with marital duties in the relationship between husband and wife.

1 Peter 3:1: "Likewise, women are subject to their husband, so that if he does not obey the word, he is won without words, by his wife's procedure." This verse talks about his wife's submission to her husband and how it can influence him to follow God's Word.

Ephesians 5:25: "Husbands, love their women, just as Christ loved the church and surrendered to it." This verse talks about the love that the husband must have for his wife, comparing him to the love of Christ for the church.
