Job, 6

King James Version

25 How forcible are right words! but what doth your arguing reprove?

Versículos relacionados com Job, 6:

In Job chapter 6, the character continues to express his anguish and sadness in the face of his difficult circumstances. He regrets his situation and pain, but also questions the help he receives from his friends and the righteousness of God. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Job 6:

Psalm 38:6: "I'm curved, I'm very shrewd, I am lamenting all day." This verse describes the feeling of anguish and despair that Job feels in the face of his tribulations. He feels bent under the weight of his pain and constantly regrets.

Psalm 42:5: "Why are you slaughtered, O my soul, and why are you disturbed within me? Wait in God, for I will still praise you for the salvation in your presence." This verse talks about the importance of trusting God, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. He encourages to wait in God and to praise him for the salvation He offers.

Psalm 69:29: "But I am distressed and painful; May your help, O God, get up." This verse is a prayer for help and helps in the midst of distress. It is a request for help to God in times of great suffering, just as Job does in chapter 6.

Isaiah 53:3: He was despised and the most rejected among men; man of pain and who knows what it is to suffer; and as one of whom men hide their face, was despised, and we did not make a case. " This verse talks about Jesus, who also experienced pain and rejection. He is an example of someone who has suffered unfairly and who understands the pain that Job is facing.

Romans 8:18: "For for me I am sure that the afflictions of this present time are not to compare with the glory that will be revealed in us." This verse encourages to look beyond the present afflictions and to have hope in the future glory that God promises. It is a message of encouragement for Job and all who face difficulties in their lives.
