2 Samuel, 16

New Jerusalem Bible

10 But the king replied, 'What concern is my business to you, sons of Zeruiah? Let him curse! If Yahweh has said to him, "Curse David!" what right has anyone to say, "Why have you done so?" '

Versículos relacionados com 2 Samuel, 16:

2 Samuel 16 reports the betrayal of Ziba, the servant of Mephiboste, and the arrival of Simei, who cursed King David as he fled from Jerusalem. Simei threw stones and earth toward the king and accused him of being a bloodthirsty man who had stolen Saul's throne. David, however, refused to retaliate against Simei, believing that God could be using man's words to correct him.

Psalms 4:5: "Many say," Who will show us good? " Make, Lord, shine the light of your face upon us. " David is being cursed and attacked by Simei in 2 Samuel 16, but he trusts that God is the source of true wisdom and justice. This psalm asks God to shine the light of his face, bringing joy and hope to those who trust in Him.

Psalm 31:13-14: "For I hear the defamation of many; dread surrounds me, while together they make up against me; plot to take my life. But I, Lord, trust you and say, You are my God . " David is surrounded by his enemies in 2 Samuel 16, and this psalm talks about the defamation he faces. However, David puts his trust in God, remembering that He is his God and protective.

Proverbs 16:7: "When a man's ways are pleasant to the Lord, even his enemies make peace with him." David chooses not to retaliate against Simei in 2 Samuel 16, and this verse of proverbs highlights the wisdom of that decision. When we seek to please God in our ways, He can soften our relationships, even with those who oppose us.

Matthew 5:44: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." In 2 Samuel 16, Simei is clearly an enemy of David, but instead of returning evil, Jesus teaches us to love and pray for our enemies. This attitude of love and grace can transform ourselves and also those who treat us evil.

Romans 12:19: "You shall not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give way to wrath; for it is written, My is revenge; I will reward, say the Lord." In 2 Samuel 16, David chooses not to take revenge on Simei, recognizing that revenge belongs to God. This verse in Romans reminds us that justice is God's responsibility and not ours. Instead of seeking revenge, we must trust God to act fairly.
