Deuteronomy, 23

New Jerusalem Bible

1 'A man must not take his father's wife; he must not withdraw the skirt of his father's cloak from her.

Versículos relacionados com Deuteronomy, 23:

Deuteronomy 23 deals with social laws and norms that govern the life of the community of Israel. The chapter begins with people who cannot be part of the Assembly of God, including the eunuchs, the Ammonites and the Moabites. Then instructions on the cleaning of the camp, personal hygiene and the treatment of fugitive slaves are given. The chapter continues with the rules for dealing with the vows made to God and ends with the guidelines on the harvest and the sharing of land products.

1 Kings 21:1-3: "It succeeded, after these things, that Naboth, the Jezreelite, had a vineyard by the palace of Ahab, king of Samaria. Then he said the Naboth, saying, Give me your vineyard so that Serve me from a vegetable garden, for it is close to my house; and I will give you another better vineyard; or if you get you, I will give you your value in cash. But Nabote said to Ahab: Keep me The Lord that I give you the inheritance of my parents. " This verse talks about the possession of the earth, which is mentioned in Deuteronomy 23:23. The earth belongs to God, and the people of Israel must respect the laws and regulations He has established for their proper possession and use.

Psalm 15:1-2: "Lord, who will dwell in your tabernacle? Who will live in your holy mountain? This verse talks about moral purity, which is mentioned in Deuteronomy 23:9-14. Personal hygiene is important to moral purity, and the people of Israel must be aware to avoid any impurities, both physical and moral.

Jeremiah 38:6: "They then took to Jeremiah, and thrown him into the Cistern of Malkiah, son of the king, who was in the guardian atrium; and they descended Jeremiah with ropes; in the cistern there was no water, but mud; and If Jeremiah in the mud. " This verse talks about punishment and torture, which are mentioned in Deuteronomy 23:15-16. The people of Israel should not treat their fugitive slaves with cruelty or excessive punishments.

Isaiah 56:4-5: "For thus says the Lord, to the eunuchs who keep my Saturdays, and choose what I like, and embrace my covenant, I will give them in my house and inside my walls A memorial and a better name than children and daughters; an eternal name I will give each one of them, which will never go out. " This verse talks about the eunuchs, which are mentioned in Deuteronomy 23:1 as being excluded from the Assembly of the Lord. Here Isaiah says that those who keep the Saturdays of the Lord and embrace His covenant will be blessed with an eternal name in the house of the Lord.

Numbers 22:12: "And God said to Balaam, Thou shalt not with them or curse this people, because blessed is." This verse talks about the fact that God forbids the Ammonites and the Moabites from being part of the Assembly of the Lord, which is mentioned in Deuteronomy 23:3-6. The Ammonites and the Moabites could not enter the Lord's Assembly until the tenth generation, because of the way they treated Israel on the way to Canaan.
