Exodus, 25

New Jerusalem Bible

14 and pass the shafts through the rings on the sides of the ark, by which to carry it.

Versículos relacionados com Exodus, 25:

Exodus 25 describes God's instructions to Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, the place where the people of Israel would worship God during their journey in the desert. God instructs Moses to collect people's offerings to build the tabernacle and all their furniture. The five verses related to the topics addressed in Exodus 25 are:

Exodus 25:8: "And they will make me a sanctuary, and will dwell among them." God commands a sanctuary to be built so that he can dwell among his people.

Exodus 25:16: "And Thou shalt in the ark the testimony I will give you." God commands Moses to build an acacia wood ark and place the tablets with the ten commandments, which are the testimony of God.

Exodus 25:22: "And I will come to you, and I will talk to you from the prosecutor, from the middle of the two cherubim that are on the ark of testimony, all that I command you to the children of Israel." God promises to appear in the sanctuary and talk to Moses from above the propitiatory, which would be above the ark of testimony.

Exodus 25:30: "And you shall give the bread of the proposition upon the table before my face continuously." God instructs Moses to build an acacia wooden table and place in it the bread of the proposition, which would be renewed weekly and served as an offering to God.

Exodus 25:40: "And look that faças according to your model, which was shown to you on the hill." God instructs Moses to follow carefully the instructions and drawings He gave him on Mount Sinai for the construction of the tabernacle, furniture and utensils, emphasizing the importance of obedience to his precise instructions.
