Amos, 2

Revised Standard Version

2 So I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the strongholds of Ker'ioth, and Moab shall die amid uproar, amid shouting and the sound of the trumpet;

Versículos relacionados com Amos, 2:

Amos 2 contains a series of oracles pronounced by Amos against the neighboring nations of Israel, including Moab, Judah and Edom. The following verses are related to the theme of justice and divine punishment.

Amos 5:24: "Run justice like a river, righteousness like a perennial riberate." In this verse of Amos 5, God requires justice and righteousness of the leaders and the people of Israel. This theme is related to the condemnation of Amos against the injustice and exploitation of the poor in Amos 2.

Deuteronomy 32:35: "It belongs to revenge and retribution; at the right time, their feet will slip, because the day of their misfortune is near and rushes." In this verse of Deuteronomy, we see that God is the final judge and will punish those who commit injustice. This relates to the message of Amos 2, where God threatens to punish neighboring nations for their sins.

Proverbs 21:3: "Practicing justice and law is more acceptable to the Lord than to offer sacrifices." This verse of proverbs highlights the importance of justice and law in the life of a believer. This relates to the message of Amos 2, where God condemns the injustice and exploitation of the poor by neighboring nations.

Jeremiah 9:24: "But whoever glides, glories this: to understand me and know me, for I am the Lord and act with loyalty, with justice and with righteousness on the earth, for it is these things that me I like it, "says the Lord. In this verse of Jeremiah, we see that God is pleased with those who act with justice and righteousness. This relates to the message of Amos 2, where God condemns the injustice and exploitation of the poor by neighboring nations.

Romans 12:19: "Do not seek revenge yourself, beloved, but leave with God the wrath, for it is written," My is revenge; I will return, "says the Lord." In this verse of Romans, Paul urges Christians not to seek revenge but to trust that God is the final judge. This relates to the message of Amos 2, where God threatens to punish neighboring nations for their sins.
