Genesis, 27

Revised Standard Version

2 He said, "Behold, I am old; I do not know the day of my death.

Versículos relacionados com Genesis, 27:

Genesis 27 tells the story of Jacob, who deceived his blind father, Isaac, to receive the blessing for Esau, his older brother. The chapter addresses topics such as betrayal, lies, repentance and the importance of blessings. Below are five verses related to these themes, excluding the verses of this chapter:

Proverbs 26:24-26: "What hates conceals with the lips, but in his heart he is covered by falsehood. When he speaks gently, he is not in him, for seven abominations there is in his heart. Although it shorten his malice with mistake, your wickedness will be discovered before the congregation. " This passage talks about falsehood and betrayal, behaviors present in the history of Jacob and Esau.

Psalm 32:5: "I confess to my sin and my wickedness I did not cover up. I said, I will confess to the Lord my transgressions; and you forgave the evil of my sin." This verse talks about the importance of repentance and confession of sins. Jacob regretted his father's mistake and sought divine forgiveness.

Proverbs 10:22: "The blessing of the Lord is that it enriches, and he does not add pain with it." This verse talks about the importance of divine blessings, which bring richness and prosperity without causing pain or suffering. Jacob fought to receive the blessing intended for Esau, recognizing its importance.

Matthew 5:37: "But be your speaking, yes, yes, no, no; for what goes on is of evil origin." This verse talks about the importance of honesty and truth in our words and actions. Jacob acted dishonestly by deceiving his father to receive the blessing.

Ephesians 4:25: "So leave the lie, and tell the truth each with their neighbor, for we are members of each other." This verse talks about the importance of speaking the truth in our interpersonal relationships, recognizing that we are part of a community. Jacob violated this confidence by lying to his father and deceiving his brother.
