Numbers, 10

Revised Standard Version

18 And the standard of the camp of Reuben set out by their companies; and over their host was Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur.

Versículos relacionados com Numbers, 10:

Numbers 10 describes the preparation of the children of Israel to leave Mount Sinai toward the promised land. The chapter includes instructions for manufacturing two silver trumpets to be used as signals for the congregation. The Levites were assigned to take care of the tabernacle and the transportation of the tents. So when the trumpets sounded, the children of Israel left for the next stage of the journey. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in numbers 10.

Numbers 2:17: "Then the congregation tent will leave with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camps; as they camp, they will depart, each in their position, according to their flags." This verse talks about the organization of the children of Israel during the journey and how they moved in formation. The Levites were responsible for taking care of the tabernacle and positioned themselves among the camps.

Numbers 9:15-16: "On the day the tabernacle was raised, the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely the testimony tent; in the afternoon there was a fire appearance upon the tabernacle until morning. The cloud covered it, and at night there was a fire appearance. " This verse describes how God guided the children of Israel during the desert journey. The cloud and fire were visible signs of God's presence and indicated when it was time to leave.

Deuteronomy 1:33: "He who, on the way, ahead of you, went before you, at night in the fire, to show you the place where we had to camp, and day in the cloud." This verse is a reference to the cloud and fire that guided the children of Israel during the desert journey. It shows that God was present and led them, even in difficult times.

Psalm 81:3: "Touch the trumpet on the new moon, in the pointed time of our solemnity." This verse mentions the use of trumpet in religious celebrations. Silver trumpets described in numbers 10 were used as signs for the congregation, but were also used in times of worship and celebration.

Matthew. This verse is a reference to the return of Jesus and the resurrection of the dead. The image of angels playing trumpets is a symbolic figure used to describe the event. The trumpet is an ad symbol and preparation for the big event.
