Psalms, 43

Revised Standard Version

1 Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people; from deceitful and unjust men deliver me!

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 43:

Psalm 43 presents a prayer of a psalmist who cries to God for help and justice in the midst of a difficult situation. The psalmist expresses his sadness and anguish before his enemies, who mock him and unfairly accuse him. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in Psalm 43:

Psalms 42:9 - "I say to God, my rock: 'Why did you forget about me? Why should I go out wandering and oppressed by the enemy?'" The psalmist is crying for God for help, questioning why he seems to have been forgotten and left alone before his enemies.

Psalm 42:11 - "Why are you so sad, O my soul? Why are you so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God! For I will still praise Him; He is my Savior and my God. " The psalmist encourages himself to have hope in God, despite his sadness and anguish.

Psalm 44:24 - "Why do you hide your face and you forget our misery and oppression?" The psalmist wonders why God seems to be absent in his difficult and oppressive situation.

Psalm 35:23-"Awaken, Lord! Get to you, my God! Defend me according to your righteousness, O Lord, my God, do not allow them to triumph over me." The psalmist calls for God for justice and protection against his enemies.

Psalm 55:12-14 - "If it was an enemy who insulted me, I could endure; if it was an adversary who got up against me, I could hide. But you are man like me, my companion, my intimate friend! Together we enjoyed sweet moments; we went with the crowd to the house of God. " The psalmist expresses his sadness in the face of the betrayal of an intimate friend, who has now become an enemy and unfairly accuses him.
