Exodus, 35

The New American Bible

35 He has endowed them with skill to execute all types of work: engraving, embroidering, the making of variegated cloth of violet, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen thread, weaving, and all other arts and crafts.

Versículos relacionados com Exodus, 35:

Chapter 35 of the Exodus Book deals with the people's voluntary contribution to the construction of the tabernacle and the sacred objects that would be used in religious rituals. The verses related to the topics addressed in this chapter are:

1 Chronicles 29:9 - "And the people rejoiced with these voluntary offerings, for they made them sincerely to the Lord. And David, the king, also rejoiced greatly." This verse shows the joy of the people to contribute voluntarily to the work of the Lord, as it happened in the construction of the tabernacle.

2 Corinthians 9:7 - "Each one gives as proposed in his heart, not with sadness or necessity; for God loves what he gives with joy." Paul instructs the Corinthians to contribute voluntarily to the work of God, without sadness or pressure, but with joy in the heart.

Proverbs 3:9-10 - "Honor to the Lord with your goods and the firstfruits of all your income; and your barns will be filled abundantly, and they shall overflow with your turns with wine." This verse highlights the importance of honoring the Lord with our possessions, and promises that those who do it will be abundantly blessed.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 - "Send to the rich of this world that they are not haughty, nor place their hope in the uncertainty of riches, but in God, which gives us abundantly all things to enjoy them; Rich with good works, generous in giving and ready to divide; that accumulate to themselves treasures that serve as founding for the future in order to seize true life. " Paul teaches that those who are rich should be generous in giving and sharing, accumulating treasures to themselves in heaven.

2 Corinthians 8:1-5-"Brothers, we make you know the grace of God granted to the churches of Macedonia; for in the midst of much proof of tribulation, they expressed abundance of joy, and their deep poverty has overcome in great wealth of their generosity; for I testify, according to their possessions and even above them, spontaneously gave us, asking us, with great increase, the privilege of participating in this service in favor of the saints. And not only did we expected, but to themselves They even first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us, by the will of God. " This verse reports the generosity of the brothers of Macedonia, who, even in the midst of poverty and tribulation, voluntarily contributed to the Lord's work.
