Amos, 8

Catholic Public Domain Version

9 And it will be in that day, says the Lord God, that the sun will decline at midday, and I will cause the earth to become dark on the day of light.

Versículos relacionados com Amos, 8:

Amos 8 is a chapter that brings a strong criticism of the social and economic injustice being committed in Israel, including the exploitation of the poor and the lack of compassion for the needy. In addition, religious falsehood and empty and superficial worship is denounced. Below are five verses that address topics related to this chapter:

Isaiah 5:8 - "Woe to those who gather house the house, gather field in the field, until there is no more place, and are unique residents in the middle of the earth!" This verse condemns greed and unbridled pursuit of riches, which is one of the main problems addressed in Amos 8.

Proverbs 14:31 - "Which oppresses the poor insults to the one who created him, but what has compassion for the needy honor him." This verse highlights the importance of compassion and care for the needy, something that was neglected in Israel and is criticized by Amos.

Jeremiah 22:13-14-"Woe to him who builds his home with injustice and his rooms without right, serving his neighbor without remunerating him and does not give her the salary of his work! ... perhaps do not know That I made this requirement: May justice be done, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with your God? " In these verses, we see a resemblance to the message of Amos, as the social injustice and the exploitation of workers are also denounced.

James 5:1-5 - "Come now, rich, cry and mourn, because of your misfortunes, that you will come to you ... You have lived in delights on the earth, and have been luxurious; killing." These verses bring a criticism similar to that of Amos, against those who accumulate riches unfairly and enjoy luxury as the poor suffer.

Isaiah 1:13-15 - "No more vain offerings; incense is for me abomination, and the new moons, and the Saturdays, and the convening of the assemblies; I cannot endure iniquity, not even the solemn meeting ... Lavai "You purify you, take away from my eyes the wickedness of your acts." In these verses, we see a critique of empty and superficial worship that is condemned by Amos in its chapter 8.
