John, 21

Catholic Public Domain Version

12 Jesus said to them, “Approach and dine.” And not one of them sitting down to eat dared to ask him, “Who are you?” For they knew that it was the Lord.

Versículos relacionados com John, 21:

In John 21, the chapter narrates one of Jesus' apparitions to his disciples after his resurrection. In this meeting, Jesus performs a miracle by allowing the disciples to fish a large amount of fish and then makes a meal with them. Moreover, Jesus asks Peter to follow and love him, and prophesies about Peter's future. Next, there are five verses related to the topics addressed in John 21:

Genesis 22:8: "Abraham answered, God will provide for Him lamb to the Holocaust, my son." In this verse, we see Abraham's confidence in God, who always provides for his needs. This confidence is also exemplified by the disciples in John 21, when they follow Jesus' instructions to fish on the right side of the boat and end up capturing a large amount of fish.

Psalm 23:1: "The Lord is my pastor; nothing will lack me." This psalm portrays the psalmist's confidence in God, who cares for him and guides him. This same confidence is demonstrated by the disciples in John 21, when they follow Jesus' instructions to fish on the right side of the boat and trust in their wisdom and authority.

Matthew 28:19: "Therefore, go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." This verse presents the great commission of Jesus to his disciples, ordering them to preach the Gospel to all nations. In John 21, Jesus asks Peter to follow and love him, and commission him to take care of his flock.

Acts 12:3-4: "Seeing that it had pleased the Jews, he also arrested Peter. They were then the days of the Azimos bread." In this verse we see Peter being arrested because of his faith in Jesus. In John 21, Jesus prophesies about Peter's future, saying that he would also be taken to where he did not want to go.

Revelation 22:20: "He who gives witness to these things says, I certainly come without delay. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" This verse presents the promise that Jesus will return to seek his church. In John 21, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection, but makes it clear that this meeting is temporary and that he will return to be with them again.
