Mark, 7

Catholic Public Domain Version

4 And when returning from the market, unless they wash, they do not eat. And there are many other things which have been handed down to them to observe: the washings of cups, and pitchers, and bronze containers, and beds.

Versículos relacionados com Mark, 7:

St. Mark 7 begins with Pharisees and scribes questioning Jesus about the disciples who ate without washing their hands, and Jesus condemns their hypocrisy and the emphasis on human traditions to the detriment of God's commandments. Then Jesus teaches that what makes man unclean is not what enters his mouth, but what comes out of it, for what comes out of the heart is that contaminates man. The verses related to these themes are:

Proverbs 4:23: "About all that should be kept, keep your heart, for the exits of life proceed." This verse emphasizes the importance of taking care of the heart, as it is from him that the actions and words that shape a person's life come out.

Isaiah 29:13: For the Lord said, For this people approach me, and with His mouth, and with His lips honor me, but His heart moves away from me and his fear to me It consists only of men's commandments, in which it was instructed. " This verse shows divine criticism to those who honor God with lips only, but have their hearts away from Him, and cling only on human traditions.

Matthew 15:11: "It is not what comes in through the mouth that contaminates man, but what comes out of the mouth, that is what contaminates man." This verse is a statement of Jesus, showing that what makes a person impure is not what he eats, but what he says and does.

Colossians 2:8: "Be careful that no one will entangle you with your philosophy and vain subtleties, according to the tradition of men, according to the rudiments of the world and not according to Christ." This verse warns against belief in human traditions and empty philosophies that oppose the teachings of Christ.

Ephesians 5:6: "No one deceives you with vain words; for by these things the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience." This verse warns of the danger of following empty teachings and disobeying God's commandments.
