Psalms, 82

Catholic Public Domain Version

4 They have acted with malice in counsel over your people, and they have plotted against your holy ones.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 82:

Psalm 82 is a poem that criticizes the unjust and corrupt leaders who govern with bias and oppression. The psalmist calls these leaders "gods" who were designated to rule with justice and defend the weak and needy, but who failed to fulfill their role. Next are five selected verses in order to proximity to the themes of the chapter, but excluding the verses of Psalm 82:

Deuteronomy 1:16-17: "At that same time, I ordered your judges, saying, I heard the cause between your brothers, and judge precisely between man and his brother and the foreigner who is with him. You will not be sorry for people in judgment. In the same way ye shall hear the little and the great; ye shall not fear the face of anyone, for the judgment is of God, but the cause that seems to you difficult to bring to me, and I will hear it. " This verse talks about the importance of judging justice and without bias, which is similar to the psalmist's critique against unjust leaders in Psalm 82.

Proverbs 21:3: "Doing justice and judging with righteousness is more acceptable to the Lord than to offer you sacrifice." This verse emphasizes the importance of doing justice and judging with righteousness, which is a central theme of Psalm 82.

Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do well; seek what is just; help the oppressed; do justice to the orphan; deal with the cause of the widows." This verse talks about the importance of helping the needy and doing justice, which is an important theme of Psalm 82.

Jeremiah 22:3: "Thus saith the Lord, Do justice and righteousness, and deliver the oppressed from the oppressor's hand; and no oppressed or make violence to the foreigner, nor the orphan, nor the widow; nor spill blood in this place." This verse emphasizes the importance of doing justice and ridding the oppressed of oppression, which is a central theme of Psalm 82.

Matthew 23:23: "Woe to you, scribes, and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because the tithe of mint, dill and cumin, and have the most important in law, justice, mercy, and Faith, but these things should do, without omitting those. " This verse emphasizes the importance of justice and mercy, which are fundamental values ​​of Psalm 82.
