Zechariah, 13

Catholic Public Domain Version

1 In that day, there will be a fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for the washing of the transgressor and of the defiled woman.

Versículos relacionados com Zechariah, 13:

Zechariah 13 is a prophetic chapter that talks about the purification of God's people and the elimination of false prophets. The chapter begins with a prophecy about a source that will be opened to purify the people of their sins. Then he talks about the elimination of false prophets and how their parents and relatives will reject them for their false words. The chapter ends with the prophecy of the pastor's death and the dispersion of the flock. Here are five verses related to the topics addressed in Zechariah 13, in order of proximity:

Isaiah 1:16: "Wash, purify you, take the evil from your acts from before my eyes; cease to do evil." This verse talks about the importance of purification and removal of evil to approach God. He relates to prophecy about the source that will be opened for the purification of the people.

Jeremiah 23:16: "Thus saith the Lord of hosts," You do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy among you, make you fade; they speak of the vision of their hearts, not from the mouth of the Lord. " This verse warns against the false prophets who speak of their own visions and not the word of God. He relates to the elimination of false prophets in Zechariah 13.

Matthew 7:15: "But to you from the false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inwardly they are devouring wolves." This verse also warns against false prophets and their ability to deceive others. He relates to prophecy in Zechariah 13 about the rejection of false prophets by his parents and relatives.

Ezekiel 34:5: "And they are scattered, for lack of pastor, and become pasture for all the beasts of the field, because they have been scattered." This verse talks about the dispersion of the flock when there is no pastor to guide them. He relates to prophecy in Zechariah 13 about the pastor's death and the dispersion of the flock.

John 10:11: "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd gives his life through the sheep." This verse talks about Jesus as the good shepherd who gives his life through the sheep. He relates to prophecy in Zechariah 13 about the pastor's death and how it will affect the flock.
