1 Samuel, 10

Christian Community Bible

11 Those who knew him and saw him prophesying with the prophets asked one another, "What has come over the son of Kish? Is Saul also one of the prophets?"

Versículos relacionados com 1 Samuel, 10:

Chapter 10 of 1 Samuel narrates Saul's anointing as King of Israel by Samuel. Saul is anointed with olive oil, receives a divine sign confirming his choice as king and is instructed about his future mission. Next, he is presented to the people as a leader. Below are five verses that relate to the topics covered in 1 Samuel 10:

Deuteronomy 17:14-15: "When you enter the earth that the Lord thy God gives you, and possess it, and inhabit, and say, I will establish a king upon me, like all the nations around me; Thou shalt, then, upon thee as King who the Lord, thy God, choose. " This verse describes the law God has given the Israelites on how to choose a king. Chapter 10 of 1 Samuel presents Saul's anointing as king, fulfilling this law.

2 Samuel 2:4: "The men of Judah came, and they anointed David King over the house of Judah." This verse reports David's anointing as king after Saul's death. Like Saul, David was anointed with olive oil to become king. Both events highlight the importance of divine anointing in choosing a leader.

Psalm 89:20: "I found David, my servant, and with my holy oil an anointing him." This verse talks about the anointing of David by God. Saul's anointing in 1 Samuel 10 is similar to David's anointing, showing that the choice of a leader for God is a recurring practice in the history of Israel.

Isaiah 61:1: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the meek; he sent me to restore the contrite of heart, to proclaim liberation to the captives and to free the handcuffs ". This verse talks about the anointing of the Messiah, which would be sent to free the oppressed. Saul's anointing in 1 Samuel 10 can be seen as a prefiguration of the Messiah anointing.

Acts 13:21-22: "And they asked a king, and God gave them Saul, the son of wanted, a man of the tribe of Benjamin for forty years. And, having been rejected, he raised them another, namely David, From which he also witnessed, saying, I found David, son of Jesse, man according to my heart, who will do all my will. " This verse brings a summary of the story of Saul and David as kings of Israel. He points out that God chose Saul, but then rejected him in favor of David, who was anointed as king of the house of Judah.
