Joshua, 22

Christian Community Bible

33 The Israelites were pleased to hear this; they gave thanks to God and spoke no more of making war and ravaging the country where the sons of Reuben and of Gad had settled.

Versículos relacionados com Joshua, 22:

Joshua chapter 22 narrates the return of the two and a half tribes, who had been authorized to set themselves across the Jordan River to their lands of origin in Israel. Before returning, they decided to build an altar as a memorial of testimony of their relationship with the Lord. This generated a great conflict between the Western tribes of Israel, who feared that the altar was used to offer sacrifices that were not allowed by the Lord. Following are five verses related to the theme of the selected chapters of other books of the Bible:

Exodus 20:24-26: "Make an altar of earth to me, and sacrifice your burnt offering and communion offerings, your sheep and oxen. Everywhere where I remember my name, I will turn to you and bless you . And if they make a stone altar for me, don't work with tools, because if you use an iron on it, you will be unlusted it. " This verse talks about how God instructed Israelites to build altars and offer sacrifices to Him, but also provides specific details about how these altars should be built.

Leviticus 17:8-9: "Tell them: Any Israelite or foreigner who living among them and offering burnt offering or other sacrifices, but does not bring them to the entrance of the meeting to worship the Lord, will be eliminated from the midst of his people . " This verse provides an important law on where sacrifices should be offered and highlights the importance of following the correct procedures to please the Lord.

Numbers 32:20-22: "They answered Moses: If we will give our pasture here in this region. But Moses said unto them, If they do, when everyone leaves for war, you will be here, alone. Why do you want to make the Israelites lose the courage to cross the Jordan and enter the earth that the Lord, our God, giving them? " This verse talks about the importance of the tribes remaining together and supporting each other in conquering the promised land.

Joshua 1:18: "Everywhere the sole of your foot stepping on, I gave you, as I promised Moses." This verse talks about God's promise to give all the earth that the Israelites stepped to them. He highlights the importance of maintaining this promise and gaining all the lands that were promised to them.

Proverbs 17:14: "The beginning of the discussion is like the opening of a dam; so, before the fight begins, stop it." This verse talks about the importance of avoiding unnecessary conflicts and resolving disputes peacefully. It can be applied to the conflict between the tribes of Israel in Joshua 22.
