Psalms, 21

Christian Community Bible

3 You have granted him his desire; you have not rejected his request.

Versículos relacionados com Psalms, 21:

Psalm 21 is a song of praise and thanks for the king's victory over his enemies, recognizing that it was God who strengthened him and granted victory. The topics covered include divine protection, confidence in the Lord, and the defeat of enemies.

Isaiah 41:10: "Do not fear, because I am with you, do not haunt yourself, because I am your God; I strengthen you, and help you, and I support you with my faithful right hand." This verse brings a message of comfort and safety, reminding us that God is our helper and protector.

Psalm 91:11: "For he shall give orders to his angels about you, that they may keep you in all your ways." This verse highlights the divine protection that is granted to all those who trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 21:31: "The horse is prepared for battle day, but the Lord gives victory." This verse reinforces the idea that although men can make preparations for battle, it is God who gives victory.

Psalm 46:1: "God is our refuge and fortress, a good help in anguish." This verse emphasizes the confidence we can have in the Lord, reminding us that He is our refuge and strength in times of necessity.

2 Corinthians 2:14: "But thanks to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us manifests the smell of his knowledge everywhere." This verse talks about the victory we have in Christ and the way we can witness and spread the knowledge of God everywhere.
