Luke, 17

Douay-Rheims Version

5 And the apostles said to the Lord: Increase our faith.

Versículos relacionados com Luke, 17:

Luke chapter begins with Jesus teaching about the importance of avoiding sin and forgiving others, and then talks about faith and gratitude. He also talks about the nature of the kingdom of God and the return of Jesus. Below are five verses related to the themes of this chapter:

Proverbs 19:11: "The prudence of man greens him the favor of the Lord, but the man of a perverse heart will be the object of his wrath." This verse is related to the first part of the chapter, in which Jesus talks about avoiding sin and forgiving others. The prudence mentioned here is a wise and cautious attitude that avoids offending others and making mistakes that may harm themselves and others.

Mark 11:24: "Therefore, I say unto you that everything you ask for prayer, I believe you have received, and it will thus be with you." This verse is related to the second part of the chapter, where Jesus talks about the importance of faith. Here Jesus encourages his followers to believe that God will hear his prayers and meet them.

Colossians 3:15: "And the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, dominate in your hearts; and thick thirst." This verse is related to the third part of the chapter, where Jesus heals ten lepers and only one of them returns to thank Jesus. The verse talks about the importance of gratitude and peace that must reign in the hearts of Christians.

Romans 14:17: "For the kingdom of God is neither food nor drink, but justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." This verse is related to the fourth part of the chapter, where Jesus speaks about the nature of the kingdom of God. Here the apostle Paul clarifies that the kingdom of God is not material or physical, but something spiritual that brings justice, peace and joy to Christians.

Matthew 24:44: "Therefore, you are also prepared; for the Son of man will come when you do not think." This verse is related to the last part of the chapter, where Jesus talks about his second coming. Here, Jesus urges his followers to always be prepared for his return, for it can happen at any moment and unexpectedly.
