2 Corinthians, 11

New Jerusalem Bible

6 Even if there is something lacking in my public speaking, this is not the case with my knowledge, as we have openly shown to you at all times and before everyone.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Corinthians, 11:

Chapter 11 of 2 Corinthians is a Paul's self defense against the false apostles who were undermining their authority and influence in the Church in Corinth. Paul highlights his apostolic credentials and ministry, as well as his concern for the well-being of the Corinthians and their loyalty to Christ. The verses selected below address topics related to apostolic authority, false teachings, and the true nature of God's ministers.

Romans 16:17 - "I ask you, brothers, to be careful with those who cause divisions and put obstacles to the teaching you have learned. This verse talks about the importance of avoiding those who preach false teachings and causes divisions in the church, something Paul emphasizes in 2 Corinthians 11.

Galatians 1:8-9 - "But even though we or an angel of heaven preach a gospel different from the one we preach to you, who is cursed! , be cursed! " Paul warns of the severity of preaching a different gospel from what was taught by him and the other apostles.

1 Timothy 4:1 - "The Spirit clearly says that in recent times some will abandon faith and follow deceiving spirits and demons doctrines." This verse talks about the reality of false teachings that will arise within the church and how important it is to be alert not to be deceived.

1 Corinthians 9:12 - "But we never use this right. On the contrary, we endure everything to create any obstacles to the gospel of Christ." Paul talks about his personal self -denial not to create any obstacles to the gospel and highlights the importance of placing Christ's interests above personal interests.

2 Timothy 2:24-25 - "The servant of the Lord should not live fighting, but be kind to everyone, able to teach and patient. Instruct with meekness those who oppose themselves, in the hope that God will bring them to repentance and so , know the truth. " This verse highlights the need to be kind and patient in teaching those who oppose the truth and seek to lead people to repentance and knowledge of the truth rather than just to overcome them in an argument.
