Ecclesiasticus, 28

New Jerusalem Bible

3 If anyone nurses anger against another, can one then demand compassion from the Lord?

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 28:

Chapter 28 of the Ecclesiastical Book deals with the forgiveness and importance of preventing anger and revenge. The author warns that those who seek revenge will experience the wrath of God, and that it is better to forgive to avoid conflicts and fights. Below are five verses related to these themes:

Proverbs 19:11: "The wisdom of man gives him patience; his glory is to ignore offenses." This verse highlights the importance of patience and wisdom in response to offenses, emphasizing that it is better to ignore them than to retaliate.

Matthew 6:14-15: "Because if they forgive each other's offenses, heavenly Father will forgive them too. But if they do not forgive each other, the heavenly Father will not forgive their offenses." Jesus teaches the importance of forgiveness, stating that those who forgive will be forgiven by the heavenly Father, while those who do not forgive will not receive forgiveness.

Romans 12:19: "Beloved, never seek to take revenge, but leave with God the wrath, for it is written," My is revenge; I will return, "says the Lord." Paul encourages Christians not to seek revenge, but to trust God to judge and punish those who do evil.

Ephesians 4:31-32: "Get rid of all bitterness, indignation and wrath, shouting, and slander, as well as all wickedness. Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving each other, just as God forgave them in Christ." Paul urges believers to abandon wrath and evil and to be compassionate and forgiven with each other, as God forgave Christ.

Colossians 3:13: "Shop each other and forgive the complaints they have against each other. Forgive as the Lord forgave them." The apostle Paul encourages Christians to endure each other and forgive each other, just as God forgave them in Christ.
